We trust that our students and their families had a joyous and blessed Eid-ul-Fitr celebration with your families over the school holidays filled with love, unity and gratitude.
Alhamdulillah, we have a busy term ahead of us filled with more student wellbeing initiatives including incursions from Bully Zero Australia Foundation and Life Education WA and the Grasshopper Soccer program for our Year 3 to 6 students over the term. We also have a few exciting events coming up this term including Grandparents Day (Kindy to Year 2), Market Day (Year 3 to 6), National Walk Safely to School Day, a Pop-Up Lunch and an end of term School Breakfast, Insha'Allah - more details on these events will follow in the coming weeks, so watch this space!
Our educators have been busy preparing their classrooms for the upcoming term - take a sneak peak into the new Investigation areas in our Early Years classrooms!